Means l've seen some crazy stuff
Where many of my crazy stories— and PTSD— comes from
means well-rounded education and support for you! NICUs are SO different from one another!
They're different beasts, believe me
Not on purpose, but it means way more experience for you. There's a huge difference between per diem and full time
Not on purpose, but it means way more experience for you. There's a huge difference between per diem and full time
In multiple hospitals, it has been amazing to be a preceptor in the NICU for nursing students, new NICU staff hires and NICU nurse travelers.
I am loving being a preceptor for nursing students completing their 3-month NICU nursing senior capstone! Go top-notch NICU care!!
I am loving being a preceptor for nursing students completing their 3-month NICU nursing senior capstone! Go top-notch NICU care!!
custom-designed courses, you’ll gain the skills, knowledge, and emotional support you need to
care for your baby with confidence. Join other parents who have transformed their NICU
experience with Gwendolyn’s guidance.